DIY Easy Baby and Kids Halloween Costumes for an Unforgettable Halloween!
Easy DIY Halloween Costume: Woolly Lamb:
This costume works well for
children of any age. No sewing required. All you need is:
- black sweater
- black leggings
- an old hooded sweatshirt
- glue
- white cotton balls
The black leggings and sweater will be
what your child wears under the main part of the costume to act as the
black legs of the woolly lamb.
Using the old hooded sweater simply cut
off the sleeves and set them aside. Place cotton alls allover the hood and seater using craft glue or
a hot glue gun. Make sure you cover the whole thing, including the hood so
that no color is seen underneath the white balls.
Next, cut two long
triangles from the sleeves you cut off earlier and cover those in white
cotton balls too. Attach the triangles to the hood of the costume. Once
your child is wearing they\'re black sweater and leggings, slide the
hooded, sleeveless sweater over top and put up the hood. Voila! A
woolly lamb is born and the great thing is
they'll keep warm in this costume as well.
Baby Halloween Costume Ideas
Baby Sushi Roll Baby Costume
This one is great for
all the new mom''s out there who are celebrating their baby's first
Halloween! It all starts with a simple white sleeper. On top of a white
sleeper all you will need is colored felt, a pair of scissors and a hot
glue gun.
Start by tracing out some sushi shapes onto your felt. You
can choose whatever you like best decorative green grass, orange
salmon, black seaweed are just a few ideas.
Once you have chosen your
sushi shapes, simply cut them out with a pair of scissors. Using hot
glue, attach your sushi shapes to the white sleeper. For presentation,
it helps if you think of the white sleeper as a rice bed.
Glue your
green grass to the side of the sleeper and your salmon and seaweed to
the front. Some felts also are available in a self-adhesive form if you
don't feel like using a hot glue gun.
Once everything is safe and dry,
go ahead and try it on your baby. I guarantee you'll just want to eat
them all up!
Baby Octopus Costume
Some sewing required
Another great costume idea
for those with young infants is the baby octopus. You can use any color you
like but dark colors like purple work really well for this one.
Dress your baby in the color of choice in leggings and shirt, including socks.
Taking 6 tube socks in different shades of the same color, stuff them
with newspaper, tissue or even cotton, and sew the tops closed.
You should now have 6 long tubes resembling legs or arms. Before you put
your leggings on your baby, sew each of these octopus arms to the waist
of the leggings.
Once you put the leggings on, your baby will magically
transform into a creature of the sea! Top it all off with a beanie in a
matching color, and you're ready to go!
Toddler Halloween Costume Idea - Scaly Monster Halloween Costume
Find a sweat suit in a color of your choice for your
child. Be sure that the sweater has a hood the make your scaly
monster costume.
The other materials you
will need are craft foam in multiple colors (including white),
scissors, and a hot glue gun.
This particular costume is very easy and
if they are old enough, your child can help make it as well just make
sure that Mom is the only one using the hot glue gun.
Simply cut several different size circles out of the craft foam, and be sure to cut a lot
of them!
Once you think you have plenty of large, medium and small
circles, start gluing them together in batches of two or three,
starting with a larger circle on the bottom, working up to a small
circle on top.
Glue these circles all over the front of the hooded
sweater. Using white craft foam, cut out a row of sharp monster teeth
which will then be glued around the rim of the hood.
Cut out some eyes
and ears too which you can glue to the top of the hood. Once dry, let
your child put on the monster suit, making sure to wear the hood up.
Now they are ready to scare all the trick or treaters in their scaly
monster suit!
DIY Halloween Costumes Ideas for Baby and Children
1-2-3 Multi Use Dress
Last but not least
Requires some sewing skills
Measure child from neck to ankle double it buy that length material
Wash material before you sew it in case of shrinkage
Refold so that it is the same way it was when you bought it and iron to make
straight edges
Open material out flat and fold in half so that it is equal and the length required.(
thats your childs length) allow an inch at the bottom for a hem.
Lay your child on the material and with tailors chalk or marking pencil draw
along the material about 12 " down from the fold draw under the childs
arms and then straight down to the bottom of the material.
pin along this marked line and straighten it up with a ruler if needed.
Make sure that the garment is very loose so the child has plenty of movement
and so that they can wear warm clothing underneath.
Once that has been double-checked (i made mine about 6" bigger on each
side of my child) sew along the line you drew.
After sewing the sides fold the material in half along the folded edge side
to side. then from the centerfold measure 1/4" down and from that point
cut diagonally to a point 3" from teh center fold. you now have a neck
opening. this can be adjusted as required.
Try the garment on your child before you cut any matrial from the side or under
arm. to make adjustments if it is not loose enough restitch as nessecary to
allow for more room.
Once you are satisfied that it is roomy enough to allow movement and thick clothing
then cut excess materail from sides and under arms. (this is what you will make
the goodie bag from)
For a better fit just tie a belt around it.
Happy Halloween Costume Making!
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DIY Halloween Costume Ideas
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