1. Fill the jar with boiling water. (adult supervision is required)
2. Add borax to water one tablespoon at a time to dissolve. Slowly stir in threetablespoons per one cup of water. Don't worry if some remains at the bottom of jar.
3. Add a small drop of blue food coloring, if desired, to give it a wintry look.
4. Cut a pipe cleaner into three equal sections.
5. Twist pipe cleaner together in the center. Fan out the ends to form a six-sidedsnowflake shape.
6. Tie a piece of string to the tip of snowflake. Tie the other end to a pencil.
7. Rest the pencil on the rim of jar and lower snowflake inside. It should be completelyimmersed in liquid but not touching the bottom of jar.
8. Allow the jar to sit in an undisturbed location overnight.
You will begin to see crystals grow on your snowflake. Hang in a sunny window and continueto enjoy winter in a bottle!