Reflect and preserve our family'smemories and traditions, and what best represents our world today, can be recorded in atime capsule.
If you could capture the essence of your lifetime or generation with one item what wouldit be? Some people believe that it should include electronic devices that reflect our everchanging technology. Others believe it should preserve meaningful personal items, such as a poem or a treasured message from a loved one. Regardless of what you decide toplace inside, creating a time capsule can be a fun experience for your entire family--away to bring your family together to share precious memories.
Whether you create a time capsule as an annual tradition or to mark an important eventin your life, a classroom project, or a community project, the method in which youemploy is a matter of personal preference. Time capsules can range from decorated papertowel tubes or oatmeal containers to commercially made airtight containers. The mailertube pictured below was purchased for $1.80 from the U.S. Postal Service. Extra caremust be taken, however, if your time capsule is to be buried in the ground.
This process is an opportunity to discuss important world events that have happened inyour child's lifetime and previous generations. To introduce your child to your family'shistory, start by looking at old pictures that depict his of her growth. Then move backfurther in time by sharing your own childhood and the photos of grandparents. Whenchoosing items for your child's time capsule, discuss the significance of each object andwhy your child feels it should be included.
You will need:
Empty shoebox, mason jar, plastic milk carton, coffee can, oatmeal container, cookie or popcorn tin, or a commercial airtight container.
Markers, crayons, stickers, construction paper or decorative contact paper
Glue or heavy duct tape
1. To begin, find a clean, sturdy container.
2. Decorate with contact or construction paper and stickers, if desired.
3. Gather personal items, such as photos of family members, friends and adoredpets. The quality of some objects, such as photographs, or newspaper clippings,can deteriorate over time. Place all objects subject to wear and tear in a protectivecovering or copy important documents onto acid free paper.
4. Record the exact date on all artifacts, if possible.
5. Add a piece of your child's artwork, perhaps a handwritten letter or story, ahandprint and a current toy. In 25 years, what will the finders of your timecapsule think of Woody from the movie, Toy Story, or Buzz Lightyear? Collect artifacts that reflect current history: fashion magazine (clothes, hairstyles), games, music, a newspaper headline, a new coin or postage stamp, movie listings,grocery receipt, a local map, etc. Choose items from different timeperiods--childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. Another fun idea is torecord your child's voice. The child could also write a letter to her future self.
6. It is not a good idea to store valuables, such as family heirlooms, money, orexpensive jewelry as these items may be damaged or lost over time.
7. Include an inventory of items and a note--the infamous message in a bottle.Some objects may have special meanings that may not be clear in the future.Include a short description of each item. Remember, most children today havenever seen a 45 record or an eight-track cassette tape!
8. Place items inside the capsule. Each child could create his or her own timecapsule or create a family time capsule. Each family member could include 2-3items of significance.
9. For a longer-lasting capsule, choose a metal, glass or plastic container with atight-fitting lid to keep the air out. For added protection, seal edges with ducttape. Seal the capsule with duct tape over the top of the lid and down the sides.Sign and date the seal.
10. After replacing the lid, explain that the capsule is to be hidden away until acertain date. Help your child decide when the capsule should be opened. For achild, five years is a good starting point.
11. Hide the capsule in a dry, dark place, such as a basement, bedroom closet, orattic. Time capsules don't have to be hidden away. It is best not to bury the timecapsule in the ground. This method is best reserved for profession historians. Theearth speeds decay and is likely to be lost or destroyed.
12. Congratulations! You have preserved time in a bottle!