memory quilt

Memory Quilt Kids Craft

You need:

memory quilt Scissors
Poster Board
Tacky Glue


Cut 3"x 3" squares for each person in the group. You can use wall paper samples or any kind of paper.

Have each person autograph their square.

Glue the squares to paste board.

A great way to begin or finish any other gathering.

Friends help a child learn different ways to relate to others. Through interacting with friends, your child learns more about who they are. Friends help children learn boundaries, make decisions and develop a healthy sense of self.

Friends need to be tended to like we would care for a beautiful plant that produces gorgeous flowers. Personal conversations, telephone calls and, yes, even snail mail are needed to truly cherish a friend. I remember in college receiving long letters on beautiful stationery from friends and relatives, even boyfriends (although theirs was usually not on beautiful paper!). I treasured those letters and still have some of them. Wonderful memories are contained within

Treasure and nurture your friends. It's a wonderful example to set for your children

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