How to Make a Happy New Year's Horn
You will need:
Construction paper
White glue
Stickers, glitter
1. Roll a piece of construction paper
being sure to roll tightly at one end.
3. Snip the uneven parts on both ends.
4. With glue, write Happy New Year.
5. Sprinkle with glitter.
7. Embellish with stickers.
New Year Coloring Sheet
New Year songs
Fun and easy kids New Year's arts and crafts that inspire your kid's imagination and creativity.
Simple directions and craft supplies that are easy to find at a craft shop or dollar store. Be sure to check out all our kids crafts we have something for almost every season, event or holiday. Kids also enjoy these craft recipes for slime, modeling clay, paper mache', non-toxic glue and many more.
Hey, parents, consider setting parenting goals for the new year, her are some fast and easy ways to get started, .
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