New Year's Kids Coloring Page
Ideas for Parents New Year's Resolutions
Make Having Dinner Together a Priority.
Studies show that families who eat dinner at the dinner table at least four times a week together have children that do better in school and are less likely to use drugs, to drink or to have premarital sex. Even with hectic schedules, family dinners can work. Schedule a realistic dinner time that works for your family and insist that everyone be home on time.
Set Aside One Weekend Day A Month For a Family Outing.
Even in families where there are large age gaps, setting aside one Saturday a month for a family outing can strengthen family bonds. Picnics, beach days, outings to the farm or going for a hike gets everyone out of their element and sets the stage for communication and fun.
Take Time With Each Child Each Day.
Reading a book, giving a bath, or taking a quick walk around the block are simple activities that encourage one on one bonding. Take time out to spend a few minutes each day with each child to help curb sibling rivalry and to foster the parent child relationship.
Take An Annual Family Vacation.
Whether it be camping for the weekend at a local campsite, jet setting to Milan or visiting grandma in Florida, taking time off together and doing something fun as a family unit gives everyone a chance to reconnect and to enjoy each others company.
Have Daily Devotionals. Many families find that having a set time of family prayer and devotions helps to pull the family together as they foster family spirituality. A quick internet search for Family Devotionals will give you tons of free resources.
Drive or Walk The Kids To School.
If your schedule allows, driving or walking the kids to school gives you a few morning minutes to connect with and to tune in with your kids about their upcoming days events.
Have a Mid Week Family Social.
Whether a movie night, a time for playing board games or even a special dessert night, pick an evening during the week to celebrate family together.
Play a Family Friendly Sport.
Many bowling alleys offer family leagues and local YMCAs offer Family Open Gym Time. Get active together and take part in a little family friendly competition.
Have Date Nights.
Be sure to take time for you and your spouse. A cup of Hot Cocoa after the kids go to bed, a once a month dinner date or an occasional night out on the town, take time for each other and keep the romance going.
New Year songs
Fun and easy kids New Year's arts and crafts that inspire your kid's imagination and creativity.
Simple directions and craft supplies that are easy to find at a craft shop or dollar store. Be sure to check out all our kids crafts we have something for almost every season, event or holiday. Kids also enjoy these craft recipes for slime, modeling clay, paper mache', non-toxic glue and many more.
Hey, parents, consider setting parenting goals for the new year, her are some fast and easy ways to get started, .
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