flower craft made with pencil and construction paper

Pencil Decoration Flower Craft

Construction Paper >
Heavyweight Blunt Scissors
Masking Tape

Cut a long strip of paper (about the size of half a piece of notebook paper).

If the paper is plain, decorate it with markers (on both sides).

Fold the paper in half, and then in half again.

Cut a series of slits in the folded paper - do not cut all the way through to the ends, leave a small section uncut.

Unfold the paper. Tape one end of the uncut portion to the eraser end of the pencil.

Roll the paper around the pencil. When you've rolled it all, tape the end of the paper to the pencil.

Gently push the pieces of paper away from the eraser, making it look like a flower.

You now have a cute, decorated pencil.

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Parents and teachers appreciate the simple directions and craft supplies that are easy to find at a craft shop or dollar store. Be sure to check out all our kids crafts we have something for almost every season, event or holiday. Kids also enjoy these craft recipes for slime, modeling clay, paper mache’, non-toxic glue and many more.

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