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Heart Shaped Template for Crafts
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Tips for crafting with Children
- Rather than merely providing children with materials to work independently, craft as a family. Turn the TV off once a week and make an afternoon of it! Your children will look forward to this special time with you more than you will ever know. The pride that your children feel in their accomplishments will let you know that this has been an afternoon well spent.
- Try to choose projects that are related to your child's interests.
- Store craft items by categories in recycled plastic bins. A five gallon plastic ice cream tub with handle makes a great storage container. Items to store can include: ribbon, buttons, yarn, string, craft sticks, sequins, toilet paper rolls (always great to have on hand!) beads, fabric and paper scraps, paints, brushes, glitter, tape and glue, crayons, colored pencils, chalk, markers (washable, rubber stamps and ink, construction paper, scissors and paper punches, cookie cutters for templates and playdoh molds, and nature items.
- Get involved in the kitchen by making non toxic recipes homemade craft recipes. Collect cookie cutters, small jello molds, measuring spoons and cups, and plastic dishes from yard sales for play dough fun.
- Keep wet wipes on hand for picking up spills and clean up after.
- Q-tips come in handy as paintbrushes and glue applicators.
- Glue sticks are safe, clean and easy to handle by small fingers.
- Purchasing paint in larger containers from a school or art supply store will be economical. To reduce costs, buy only primary colored paint--red, yellow and blue, which can produce a myriad of additional colors.
- Use a toothpick (not for very young children) for picking up small beads.
- Muffin tins, clean laundry soap scoops, film and yogurt containers make great reusable paint dispensers.
- Plastic lids serve as reusable palettes. Paper plates and foam food trays serve as disposable palettes.
- Allow children to craft often. This can't be stressed enough.
- Never squelch their creativity. Let your child be creative without interfering. This will allow fun together while still allowing creativity to flourish.
More tips for crafting with kids
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