Make a Stick Flag
Supplies needed:
Stubby Brush
Blue Construction
Tacky Glue
Either white paper or a white gel pen
Paint 5 craft sticks red and 4 craft sticks white. Let them dry.
Glue them together in an alternating pattern by gluing them to one craft stick
(on the right side) and two broken craft sticks (in the middle and on the left
Cut a small square of blue construction paper. Either draw a lot of white stars
on the blue paper using a white gel pen, or cut and glue tiny white stars onto
the blue paper.
When the glue has set, turn the flag over.
Glue on the square of blue construction paper and glue another craft stick
to the long craft stick on the back.
Let the glue set.
You now have a little US flag to celebrate July Fourth, Veterans Day, Memorial
Day, Presidents Day, or any other day.