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By Fatmah Azam Ali

Anorexia and Bulimia- What Every Woman Should Know

Are you anorexic or bulimic after severe weight loss? Are you over-conscious about your looks? Does the sight of food appall you? Are you on laxatives, diet pills or on severe calorie restriction? Are you underweight? If the above questions describe you, you are either anorexic or bulimic. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are two eating disorder patterns known to suffer many women world-wide. It has been found that at least 1 in every 3 women suffers with eating disorders or problems. The issues related to eating habits affects a person more on psychological basis than on a clinical basis.

So, how do you know whether you are suffering from an eating disorder or not? The following below are the characteristics that are exhibited by an anorexic and bulimic patient:

  • Anorexic and bulimic patients have a big problem with their low-esteem. They are never satisfied with what they look like. Often, such people talk low about themselves showing that they don't like how they look.
  • Anorexic and bulimic patients have a hard time making the right decision by themselves and therefore rely on outside sources such as friends, colleagues and family for taking even small decisions.
  • As mentioned earlier, anorexic and bulimic patients are obsessed with their weight and body image. Women are mostly found to suffer from eating disorder patterns such as anorexia and bulimia but it has also been found that men suffer from eating disorder patterns too. However, they are less in number than women.
  • Women suffering from eating disorders often face problems with their menstrual periods. Men who suffer from eating disorder deny that they are suffering from any such problem.

What next? If you are anorexic or bulimic, discussing your problem with your close peer or family member can be a good start. Because it is only when you acknowledge the problem and realize it, you will be able to seek help in a proper manner. Anorexic and bulimic behavioral eating patterns are similar to that of drug-addiction and require proper and professional help in order to come out of it. Girls and women who suffer from eating disorders such as these have a low pulse rate, low body temperature, depression, irregular menstruation cycles, enlargement of glands, low immunity and a dry, scaly skin. All these occur because the body is deprived of the essential nutrients which are required for the proper functioning of body systems.

Excessive eating and under- eating can pose a potential threat to one's health. Severe cases of anorexic and bulimic eating behavioral patterns have resulted in the death of girls and women who were suffering from it. The need for perfectionism can also be called as one of the reasons as to why girls suffer from anorexic and bulimic eating disorders. Anorexia and Bulimia can lead to serious health implications, if not acknowledged and treated at the right time. Just as drug addiction shows aftermath symptoms, anorexic or bulimic behavioral addiction also shows aftermath symptoms due to which this habit is hard to kick off. At times, this problem proves to be worse than drug addiction.

If you are anorexic or bulimic, refer to the following sources for information and details. Take in charge of your life now. Starving yourself is not a solution to a perfect you. It is the optimistic thinking that makes You perfect. It's time to change things around you. Take your first step from here. Follow the links below and help yourself. Best Of Luck!

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)

International Eating Disorder Referral organization

National Women's Health Network

Eating Disorder Website Find more resources and links on eating disorder on the following websites: and Beyond Physical Appearances A Guide To Anorexia.htm

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Fatmah Azam Ali

Fatmahi s a writer and a certified health specialist. She has written hundreds of articles on health issues for print and online publications worldwide. She is the author of Your Ultimate Self-Help Guide to Living Healthy and Weight Loss. More about Fatmah Azam Ali.

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