Foods That Help Prevent Aging and Keep You Healthy

These five vegetable and fruit superfoods can slow the aging process and help prevent the three biggest killers. Add these delicious healthy superfoods to your family's meals as often as possible.


TOMATOES . . . Decrease Cancer Risk With Tomatoes. The powerful antioxidant Lycopene, found in mainly in tomatoes, helps protect against heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and cancer. Cooked tomatoes are better because heat causes more Lycopene to be released. Buy the best: Choose dark red tomatoes and store fresh tomatoes at room temperature.


BLUEBERRIES . . . Help Prevent Heart Disease With Blueberries, bountiful with vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Preliminary evidence suggests that a component in blueberries might enable cells to break down fat and cholesterol, which helps keep arteries clear. Buy the best: Year-round, buy frozen berries labeled "unsweetened" or whenever available fresh in season at your grocery's produce department.


BROCCOLI . . . Help Beat Cancer. A National Cancer Institute study found that people who ate three servings of vegetables a day (especially those who included a half serving of broccoli or cabbage) were 40 percent less likely to get a cancer called non- Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, have also been shown to lower the risk of ovarian cancer. Buy the best: Choose broccoli with florets or bud clusters that are dark green with some purple tinge.


KALE . . . Help Protect Your Eyes By Eating More Kale and other dark green leafy vegetables. They can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Kale is also high in the Antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes and can reduce the risk of cataracts. Buy the best: Look for crisp, fresh, dark-green leaves, or buy frozen, chopped kale.

sweet potato

SWEET POTATOES . . . Help Lower Your Risk of Stroke. These flavorful dark-orange "spuds are one of the richest sources of Antioxidants (such as Beta Carotene), which may help prevent heart disease, strokes and certain cancers. Sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber and immune-boosting vitamin C. Buy the best: Choose sweet potatoes that are firm and have clean, smooth skins. Don't confuse this vitamin-rich veggie for "less nutritious" Yams.

Source: Dietary strategies with anti-aging potential: Dietary patterns and supplements Authors: Hui Duanabc, Jiani Panab, Min Guoab, Jinwei Liabc, Leilei Yuabd, Liuping Fanabc

Pantothenic Acid    B1 Vitamin Thiamin   
Vitamin B  Ginseng Energy  Nitric_Oxide  DHEA Prevent Depression  DHEA  Vitamin D   Chromium Picolinate        L-Arginine

csjun fish dinner

How about Cajun Fish for Dinner?

This one-pot-meal is a terrific example of what whole foods really are and why they're important to a healthy diet and healthy body. Recipe is listed after the article by Elizabeth Yarnell, inventor of the One Pot Meal System.

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