Valentine's Day Crafts and more
Valentine Holder

Love Bug Valentine Hat

Valentine's Handprint Keepsake


Heart Pets




Valentine Holder

valentine holder

You will need:

2 paper plates

Hole punch

Tape or stapler

Ribbon or yarn: red, white,or pink

Paints, markers, or crayons

Construction paper


Old Valentines cards

Optional: stickers, paints,lace, gems, etc.


1. Cut one plate in half. Leave the other in one piece.

2. Lay the plate half over the bottom portion of full sizeplate as shown.

3. With a hole punch, punch holes through both layers about 1/2 inch from the edge along the bottom half only.

4. String yarn or ribbon around the outside edge and comeup through a hole weaving both portions of platetogether.

<5. Write a message on the plate.

6. Decorate your plate with old valentine card pictures, stickers, lace, etc.

7. Collect your favorite valentines in your pretty pocket.

8. Hang if desired.

Happy Valentine's Day to All! Valentine Crafts, recipes and ideas for you from The Parent Vine. We hope you have truly lovely Valentine's Day!

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