Simpsons Episode Brought to Life:
The Why Cry Baby Analyzer
By: Jeff Johnston
Every parent has asked the question "Why is my baby crying?" While after a while most parents can ascertain the reason for the tears, at first it is next to impossible to solve. Pedro Monagas wanted an answer to this perplexing question, he knew that babies have different cries for different reasons, and generally speaking parents were able to tell the differences between the cries after a while. Monagas wondered if it were possible to create a device that would be capable of deciphering these cries for him.
Monagas, an electrical engineer from Spain, set out on his mission to create a device that would analyze babies crying. After spending four years in research, development, and clinical testing, Monagas was ready to release the WhyCry Baby Analyzer. Blissful Babies Ltd., the U.K. distributor for the device claims the device has a 98% accuracy rating, a claim that apparently cannot be disputed. The device has received amazing reviews by both the press and the users in Europe.
When your baby starts to cry the analyzer gets to work. After only 20 seconds of analysis the WhyCry lights up an amusing cartoon like face that will tell you why your bundle of joy is emitting that ear shattering sound that only a parent can love. The cartoon f are to show the basic reasons why your child could possibly be crying, anything from hunger to stress.
The only negative thing that could be said about this device is that it may take away from the parent's attention to their baby's needs by replacing their need to understand the baby to understand the cries. However, Blissful Babies has a response to that as well, "Why Cry is a complementary device that does not aim to replace parents or carers natural ability to understand their child's needs. The intent of the manufacturers of Why Cry is to create an awareness of the importance and need to interpret crying, and to provide guidance in recognising sounds and messages that babies convey to us, so that we can ensure their proper emotional development."
So with all that in mind, how could a parent not want such a device as this? As a parent of a 20 month old daughter, with memories of 2am crying fits I can't think of a single reason I wouldn't kill to own this device for my next child. As far as gadgets go, this has go to be a new parent's dream machine. When I first heard of it the first thing that popped into my head was the episode of the Simpson's where Herb, Homer's brother, invents a baby translator. While the WhyCry may not be quite as sophisticated as Herb's baby translator, it is leaps and bounds ahead of anything else in the market.
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