Helping Your Children Navigate Their Teenage Years:
A Guide for Parents
Teens: Skills for Handling Tough Situations
Teenagers, like all of us, sometimes
need help and guidance, but it can
sometimes be difficult for parents to recognize
when to intervene in their teenager's life. Teens face very different challenges from those we experienced as teens.
Understanding today's issues,
knowing when and how to
provide assistance to help your children overcome
them, is an important job for parents.
It is also a difficult role. Being able to
identify the differences between "normal" teen
behavior and those which are self-destructive or hurtful
is essential. Here are some examples
to help you identify
warning signs and behavior patterns that your teen may need intervention.
Read through these examples and see if any sound familiar.
Remember, though, that every teenager
is different and there is often no clear
answer to your specific situation.
If you are
concerned, talk to your teenage children. At
least, let your teenager know your feelings
and that it would be good to talk. If
you continue to be concerned, or believe that
your teen could harm themselves or others,
do get help immediately.
I was called to my 13-year-old son's school
today because he stole some money from
another boy during lunch. This wasn't the
first time this happened. Previously, the principal
contacted the parents because Keith successfully blamed graffiti he had written
on the school bus on anoher student.
No matter what we tell
him, he constantly seems to get in trouble.
What can I do?
You certainly have reason to be concerned
about your son's behavior. He is being a
bully and it's time you help him to stop that behavior. The did the right thing by calling. The
school should establish clear standards about bullying
and make ensure that your son truly understands
what will happen if he violates the rules.
You, too, need to make clear that you
disapprove of bullying. Help
your son learn to be empathic, to understand
how others feel and learn to care about others'
feelings. You will probably want to
impose consequences on your son
for his unacceptable behavior.
firm, but do it in a loving way. Provide your son
empathy, understanding, and
love. By doing this, you
model the behavior you wish him to exhibit.
This still leaves the bigger
part of the problem, getting
to the reasons for your son's
behavior. You have to discuss bullying with your son to try to find out why he is acting in such
harmful ways, to find out
why he is being a bully. What leads
your son to behave in such hurtful ways?
With your help, or with the assistance of
a professional, your son can understand his
own motives for bullying. Some teens
become bullies due to boredom and
craving excitement;others do it to feel powerful;
for some its a way they act out due to
family problems; others do it for
gain attention and to be popular.
You need to ask him very detailed questions:
- Did you plan to take the other boy's
lunch money beforehand, or was it a
sudden urge?
- Why did you pick on that particular person?
- What were you thinking when you did it?
(For example: I needed the money; It will look rad.)
- How did you feel when you did it? (For example:
excitement, thrill seeking, scared, strong).
- How do you think the other boy felt?
- What's happening in your life or in our
family that may be upsetting you?
When you understand the details of
what happened, you can determine how to
help your child. For example, if your son
took the money because it was just sitting the
lunch tray and he had a urge to grab
it, he needs to learn to identify and control his
If he planned
to steal money, preselected a victim and
stole because he wanted to look important,
he will need to learn positive ways to
make friends and gain peer acceptance.
We have to help our children learn
healthy and socially acceptable ways to
cope with urges and anger, and to satisfy
their emotional needs appropriately.
A big
challenge? Yes. But it's an important part of development and growing into a
good citizen.
Drug Use and Failure in School
Our 16-year-old daughter, Julia, was
caught drinking at a party. We think
she was smoking marijuana at the party, too.
She not doing well in school, she's doesn't do her homework
and is failing one subject.
We set
up required study time, but it hasn't
helped. She ignores curfews and doesn't do her
chores. We've discussed
alcohol, drugs, and sex, and
we have clearly explained the the rules and
consequences if she fails to comply.
Obviously, it hasn't worked. She says
I'm a B---. So frustrating, what to do?
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Julia's drinking and possible drug use may
be the tip of the iceberg. Alcohol and
drug use frequently happen in conjunction with
with other serious problems.
First, you need to talk to Julia and
find out what drugs she is using and
how often she is using them. Don't confront
her when she seems to be under
the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Be sure she is straight and sober before you talk with her.
discuss your suspicions with her calmly
and objectively, as you begin a dialogue.
Bring in other members of the family
to help, if necessary.
Second, impose whatever discipline
your family has decided on for violating
the rules, and stick to it. Don't stop
when she promises not to do it again.
Be sure she understandsher use of
alcohol and other drugs is a serious problem which is self-harming.
If Julia has developed a pattern of drug
use or has engaged in heavy use, you
should get immediate help. Call your doctor, check with your local hospital,
or county mental health center to find local drug treatment programs.
Your school district should have a substance
abuse coordinator or a counselor
who can refer you to treatment programs,
too. Other parents who have had experience with children who have drug or alcohol
problems are a good source of referrals too
Many young people lie about their
alcohol and drug use. If you think Julia is
lying and their is strong evidence , you may want to have her
evaluated by a health professionals
specializing in diagnosing adolescents
with alcohol and drug problems.
Listed in the box at right are signs
that may indicate problems with alcohol
or other drugs. They could also
indicate other problems, not related to
drugs. No matter, if you see
significant changes in your teenager's
behavior, something is wrong.
Start a
dialogue with your teen about the
problems. If you remain uncertain if
alcohol or other drugs
are part of the problem, or if you are sure of alcohol or drug use
get professional help.
School Failure
Failure in school is another serious issue,
but nagging is the wrong approach, and
enforcing study times usually doesn't work,
either. Parents often assume that school
problems are caused by lack of effort, and that
making kids study more will improve their performance.
Usually there is much more to it. For example,
children may be having trouble
with academic work and need tutoring.
Learning disabilities often go undiagnosed causing a need
for help with study skills (learning
where, how and where to study).
They may also be upset about something
at home, at school, or with peers, that is
interfering with their concentration. Even
when the amount of effort invested in
schoolwork is deficient, usually the underlying
cause is discouragement, rather than
The remedy is support, not more
pressure. We need strategies to get teens
thinking and solving problems for themselves.
Getting a conversation going is the most effective way
to get them started.
How long ago did Julia start slacking off in
school? What do you think is holding her back in schoolwork?
Answers to these questions will help you to find a solution to the problem.
Encourage Julia to consult with her
teachers or the school counselor, and offer to participate
in these meetings. If need be, you can consult with the school
or get other professional help to determine
the causes of the problem.
Once you know
the causes, the solutions should become
clearer. Your daughter will still have some
obstacles to overcome, but at least she will
be headed in the right direction.
Sarah has never had much confidence.
High school was much more difficult than she expected.
My husband and my divorce has been very hard on her.
She appears very tired and
doesn't sleep, and just sits in her room
crying with her door closed.
When she
goes out, she dresses all in black clothing
and wears heavy black eye shadow.
I have tried talking to her, but she won't talk and is just angry. I'm
not sure if she is depressed or "going through
a phase.
The teen years offer new experiences and
challenges that can be exciting, but also
stressful. Stress experienced by going through adolescence is one
of many reasons that cause teens to be unhappy as well as
hormonal changes occurring which affect moods.
Some sadness and mood
swings are a normal part of life. If "blues" last for weeks,
of if they are interfering with
school, home, and normal activities,it could be asign your teen is clinically depressed.
Depression, a mood disorder, is
a medical illness, often undiagnosed,
but it can be treated quite effectively.
When teens, or anyone, are very upset
about things, they need to talk with someone
who cares and can help.
should be concerned and talk with their
child about his or her unhappiness,
whether it is a temporary state or a case
of clinical depression. We should set an
example of confronting problems, head on.
It is sometimes hard to tell when teens
are depressed, because the symptoms may
be hard to read.
For example, you may
mistake a sleep disturbance, which can be
a sign of depression, for a late-night television
habit, or your teen may only reveal her sadness in writings
that contain morbid themes. Teens might complain, "I'm bored,"
when they are actually depressed.
In addition,
signs of depression may vary among
cultural groups: Teens in some groups experience
sadness or guilt; while others experience
more physical symptoms, such as
headaches and nervousness.
Clearly, Sarah is unhappy and may be
suffering from depression. Ask yourself, "What's going on
in her life to make her feel this way?"" Think
about past and present problems. When did
this crying begin? Are there other family issues in play? Sibling issues, divorce, or school problems? Is she having problems with
Are there any other problems or symptoms?
Answers to these questions can provide clues
to what's wrong and how to help your daughter.
Depression does increase the risk of
suicidal behavior. Many teens think about
suicide, and unfortunately some of them follow through.
Parents should reach out for professional help immediately if there are more
warning signs, such as
the child has a history of previous suicidal behavior,
send signals about not being
around in the future, expresses a desire
to die, gives away prized possessions, has
experienced a recent loss, or makes
threats of suicide.
Sarah needs to talk
with someone who cares and can help.
Give her an opportunity to discuss her
feelings and what is causing them. If she
won't talk to you, find an adult with whom she can talk, such as a family
physician or a mental health professional.
Anger and Violence
My 16-year-old son, James, is failing in
school. He is often angry, has no interest
in our family, and sometimes doesn't
come home until 4 a.m. I have no idea
what he's doing and worry he might get
into trouble.
At home, he spends most
of the time in his room playing violent
video games and listening to music with
violent lyrics. I've heard him plotting
"revenge with friends, and he seems to
always be talking about different
weapons. This worries me, but I don't
really believe he would hurt anyone.
What can I do?
You are right to be worried. Although it
is difficult to predict who will become
violent, there are certain risk factors that
may warn of possible danger. It is important
to keep in mind that the presence of
these signs does not necessarily mean that
a person will become violent.
These risk
factors include: a history of violent or
aggressive behavior, carrying weapons
or access to weapons, the use of alcohol
and other drugs, isolation from
family and/or peers, poor grades, and
trouble controlling anger. The more of
these warning signs we see, the more
we believe that children are "at
risk for violent behavior. No single
factor indicates a problem, but
if we see a pattern of several risk
factors, it's time to take precautions.
James exhibits many of these
warning signs. He is isolated from
his family, failing in school and staying out much
too late at night.
He has discussed weapons, has a
problem with anger, and you heard
him plotting revenge. Has James
been bullied, or excluded, or teased
by peers or family members?
Children who have been bullied,
mistreated by others, or feel they
have been mistreated, are also at
higher risk for being violent than those who
have not. The same is true for children who
feel rejected or alone.
As you consider various risk factors, bear
in mind that these are "red flags, not predictors
of violence. They are warning signs
of possible trouble. After some of the recent
high profile shootings in schools, the media
has publicized lists of warning signs. These
lists can be used to unfairly label nonviolent
youth as dangerous, because many adolescents
who will never become violent will
show some of the red flag behaviors.
Still, parents should recognize these
warning signs and use them as a cue that
something is wrong and a child needs help.
When parents see a serious problem
affecting their child and can't seem to
resolve it, they should connect with someone
who can. To help James, you should
look for a child/family mental health
professional who is well-respected in your
community and experienced in working
with adolescents and their families.
When a teen exhibits a number of warning
signs for violence, as James does, parents
should act promptlyfor safety's sake.
As a
precaution, they should
make sure their children do not have access
to firearms, and remove other dangerous
materials or objects from the home.
Next Managing Anger: Theirs and Yours
source: National Institute of Mental Health.