Herb Safety and Efficacy Clarified Directory
The American Botanical Council (ABC) announces that The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs has been updated with the addition of a new chapter on Elder berry (Sambucus nigra), a fruit primarily used for respiratory symptoms associated with influenza and colds. Further enhancements to this reference book and continuing education module include the extension of the dates for credit for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and dietitians. Continuing medical education credits for physicians are now offered at no charge by the new accredited provider, the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs answers key questions physicians and other health professionals have about the clinical relevance of popular herbs. The volume features a comprehensive monograph on each herb including a table of clinical studies, a clinical overview for quick reference to key clinical issues, and a simplified information sheet for consumers and patients that includes uses, safety information (adverse effects, possible drug interactions, etc.), and dosages.
"By updating the book and extending the dates for continuing education credit to healthcare professionals, we are making this valuable resource more useful," said Wayne Silverman, PhD, the Chief Administrative Officer of ABC. "We are pleased that patients are even encouraging their own healthcare practitioners to purchase this educational resource."
Established in 1988, the American Botanical Council is the leading nonprofit organization educating consumers, healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, industry, and the media on the safe and effective use of medicinal plants. More at www.herbalgram.org .