DIY Halloween Decorations

lollipop ghosts halloween decoration

There are few holidays that bring out the creepy crawlies like Halloween does.

It is the perfect holiday for letting the ghosts, goblins, spiders and bats abound in your interior decor. Handmade Halloween decorations will get your house to look spooky in a flash. Here are some simple ideas to get you off and running.

Lollipop Ghosts

Decorate your ceiling fans with a rush of white ghosts. Here's an easy craft perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. You'll need some large lollipops, white tissues, white, and a black marker. Place the tissue around the topof the lollipops and tie it on with string or yarn. The string or yarn needs to be long enough on one end to be tied to the blade of the ceiling fan. Add a lollipop ghost to each ceiling fan blade. Once the lollipop ghosts are tied to the blades, turn the fan on low. You now have a scary ghostly ceiling.

Paper Mache Pumpkins

paper mache pumpkin fall decoration

Real pumpkins are perfect for decorating, but if you want something that is going to last from the beginning of autumn until Thanksgiving, a real gourd is not really a viable option. Creat paper mache pumpkins using balloon and and strips of newspaper and glue. You'll need glue, a balloon, and newspaper strips, and orange and black paint. Blow up the balloons cover it with the newspaper glued in place, then let it dry. Paint it orange and decorate with black stripes for eyes, nose and mouth or just stripes to make it look like a pumpkin. Add an green leaf to the top if desired.

Scarecrow and Mummies

outdoor scarcrow decoration

Gather up your old overalls and plaid, flannel shirt for a scarecrow in the making. Stuff a pillowcase for the head with straw, then stuff an flannel shirt with straw. Attached the "head" ( pillow case stuffed with straw) to the flannel shirt which you stuffed with straw. you can use gardening or winter gloves stuffed with straw for the hands, stuffed jeans or overalls can be used for the legs. Place your scarecrow in a prominent place for get the full effect, either inside or outside. Its flammable so keep away form the fireplace and candles. Variations include, making a ghost using a white sheet with the "head stuffed with straw or create a mummy by placing strips of a sheets around your scarecrow body use glue to attach.

Decorating for Halloween does not need to be an expensive endeavor. Creating homemade Halloween decorations is fun and east, grewt family fun.

Halloween Spider Web Window

 halloween decoration spider web window

Use anold window frames or old picture frame to make this homemade Halloween decoration. Paint the frame black and let it dry, place some nails into the back of the frame on each side, leaving about an inch out of the frame. Use string or yellow orf orange yarn, wrap it around the nails in the frame to create a web. Add an artificial spider to the web. Works as an outside or inside Halloween decoration. Watch this video on how to make a frame spider web.

Halloween Decoration: Spider Web Frame

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